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Katherine Heigl addresses rumors she turned down ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Emmy nomination - CASINGCORP

Katherine Heigl addresses rumors she turned down ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Emmy nomination

Katherine Heigl set the record straight on rumors that she turned down an Emmy nomination for her role on “Grey’s Anatomy.” 

In 2008, Heigl famously took herself out of the running for an Emmy nomination for playing Izzie Stevens on the popular medical drama.

Sixteen years later, Heigl appeared on the June 28 episode of Shannen Doherty’s podcast “Let’s Be Clear.”

When Doherty noted that she didn’t know of anyone in the industry who had turned down an Emmy nomination in their career, Heigl clarified that she “didn’t turn it down.”

Heigl said that she had been discussing the incident recently with her mom, and expressed that she had different feelings about her choices more than a decade later.

“I should have said nothing,” she continued. “I should have said, ‘Oh, I forgot,’ because it created such a maelstrom that was so unnecessary, and it really was.”

The actor said the point of her decision was to try to “make a bit of a snarky point” about the work she was given and that she was “just not feeling” the material that season.

“I didn’t think I had anything that warranted even the consideration for a nomination,” she said.

“I just wasn’t proud of my work. I would never be so bold or so arrogant to turn down a nomination. I would take that nomination if it came my way. I’d be down.”